
Monday, 28 July 2014

Sex Tips Women Should Know about Men

we're assuming you like sex,
most of the time. Maybe you
even love it — some of the time.
But there are women who love
sex all the time, from the very
thought of it to the afterglow.
These women have more sex
than the rest of us, and they
thrill their men to the core.
Whether they're feeling hot for
their partners or just lukewarm,
they'd rather do it than not do it
— they make love, not excuses.
If they're tired, sex revives
them; if they're stressed, it
relaxes them; and if they have a
headache, they'll opt for the
orgasm cure. Here's how they do
1. Sex-loving women love to
think about sex
Conventional wisdom (backed by a
certain amount of actual scientific
research) says that men think
about sex more often than
women do. Well, not more than
sex-loving women do. Rather
than censoring their erotic
thoughts, these women encourage
them. They don't feel guilty
about fantasizing, even if their
fantasies are a bit kinky or
feature some creative casting.
And because sex is so often on
their minds, it's a lot easier for
their bodies to get to "yes."
"To boost my libido, I indulge in
erotic thinking: I might see a pile
of peaches in the supermarket
and let my mind drift to imagine
them as glorious bottoms, male
and female. When I think about
my husband, I sometimes picture
parts of him, like his forearm or
chest hair; I visualize that part
until I feel aroused. But even the
most mundane things can have an
erotic appeal. Running my hand
along a curved wooden banister
can be a sensual experience."
— Nicola, 28, married two years
"I write myself notes so I'll
remember things, from grocery
items to birthdays to checking my
stock portfolio. One day after my
husband and I had lamented the
infrequency of our lovemaking, I
wrote 'Sex!' and posted it on the
side of my computer monitor.
Because that note was there, I
thought more about sex than I
usually did. I didn't stay late at
work that night. We had sex. I
left the note up until it fell
down. I thought about sex more
and more often; we kept having
sex. I have replaced the note,
and now I've put more notes in
my day planner; for example, 'Do
it in the pool tonight.'"
— Donna, 30, married five years
Get our best tips for making
love to a man .

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