Fidel Odinga was Raila's eldest son and he was seen as the heir apparent to the prime minister. His untimely death rocked the veteran in the most anguished way that many couldn't believe.
Raila sat inconsolable beside the lifeless body of his son #Fidel for more than 6 hrs believing the son was just asleep. The pathologists had arrived in the morning and confirmed that Fidel was no more.
Even when the medics,friends and relatives confirmed that Fidel was indeed dead,Raila kept assuring them that he was merely
asleep,regularly checking his blood
temperature amid sobs.
Even when the demonstrators stormed in, he asked them to peacefully go in and see where the 'General' was sleeping. Its not until the family advised Lawyer Oraro to break the news personally to Raila. He finally
bitterly took it in, leaving journalists and
other mourners emotionally overloaded
and the compound broke down in
uncontrollable wails.
+nis raz
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