Mbuvi Gideon Gideon Kioko Kioko or or Mike Mike Sonko Sonko as as he he
is is commonly commonly known known is is the the immediate immediate
former former Member Member of of Parliament Parliament for for Makadara Makadara
Constituency Constituency, , in in Nairobi Nairobi Kenya Kenya. . His His first first
stint stint in in parliament parliament was was through through a a by by- -
election election in in which which he he floored floored established established
political political figures figures such such as as Ruben Ruben Ndolo Ndolo. . He He
recently recently became became the the first first senator senator of of Nairobi Nairobi
County County after after beating beating his his rivals rivals for for the the seat seat. .
The The following following are are
10 10 Things Things You You’ ’ve ve Never Never
Heard Heard About About Mike Mike Sonko Sonko
1 1. . His His Background Background
Mike Mike Sonko Sonko was was born born on on February February 27 27
1975 1975. . Sonko Sonko spent spent his his early early years years in in crime crime, ,
from from mugging mugging people people in in the the streets streets of of
Mombasa Mombasa to to becoming becoming a a major major
international international drug drug lord lord. . He He is is a a notorious notorious
jail jail breaker breaker, , having having escaped escaped from from Shimo Shimo La La
Tewa Tewa Prison Prison under under unclear unclear circumstances circumstances. .
His His thuggish thuggish, , often often garish garish mode mode of of dressing dressing
has has only only reinforced reinforced this this image image of of a a
gangster gangster. .
2 2. . Before Before Parliament Parliament
Before Before Mike Mike Sonko Sonko joined joined parliament parliament, , he he
used used to to operate operate a a fleet fleet of of matatus matatus ( (Public Public
vehicles vehicles) ) in in Eastlands Eastlands. . How How he he got got the the
capital capital to to start start this this venture venture is is anybody anybody’ ’s s
guess guess. . He He also also used used to to engage engage in in various various
shady shady deals deals. . Whether Whether he he is is now now on on the the
straight straight and and narrow narrow is is not not clear clear. .
3 3. . Family Family Man Man
Mike Mike Sonko Sonko is is married married and and has has three three
daughters daughters namely namely; ; Saumu Saumu, , Salma Salma and and
Sandra Sandra. . All All his his daughters daughters are are from from different different
mothers mothers. . Saumu Saumu is is from from the the late late Njeri Njeri, ,
Salma Salma is is from from a a woman woman in in Juja Juja while while
Sandra Sandra’ ’s s mother mother is is from from his his current current wife wife
Prim Prim. .
4 4. . Scandalous Scandalous
Even Even though though he he tries tries to to present present the the image image
of of a a family family man man, , his his family family and and people people
close close to to him him know know otherwise otherwise. . He He is is a a well well
known known womanizer womanizer who who has has mistresses mistresses all all
over over the the place place. . In In fact fact, , his his current current wife wife used used
to to be be close close friends friends with with his his late late wife wife, , Njeri Njeri. .
Sonko Sonko and and his his late late wife wife used used to to have have fights fights
all all the the time time because because of of his his unfaithfulness unfaithfulness. .
He He would would sleep sleep around around with with close close friends friends
of of Njeri Njeri, , thus thus the the constant constant fights fights. . Recently Recently, ,
unflattering unflattering photos photos of of Sonko Sonko and and Shebesh Shebesh
were were splashed splashed all all over over the the media media, , proving proving
that that there there was was more more than than meets meets the the eye eye in in
their their relationship relationship. .
5 5. . Drug Drug Lord Lord
Just Just like like his his colleagues colleagues Harun Harun Mwau Mwau and and
William William Kabogo Kabogo, , Sonko Sonko would would present present the the
image image of of a a victim victim while while claiming claiming his his life life is is
being being threatened threatened. . In In December December 2010 2010, , the the
Central Central Intelligence Intelligence Agency Agency ( (CIA CIA) ) named named
Sonko Sonko alongside alongside Kilome Kilome MP MP Harun Harun Mwau Mwau, ,
Juja Juja MP MP William William Kabogo Kabogo and and Kisauni Kisauni MP MP
Hassan Hassan Joho Joho as as the the leading leading drug drug lords lords in in
Kenya Kenya. .
6 6. . He He is is Popular Popular
Despite Despite his his numerous numerous scandals scandals, , Mike Mike
Sonko Sonko is is very very popular popular, , especially especially among among
the the youth youth. . Maybe Maybe it it has has something something to to do do
with with his his manner manner of of dressing dressing and and the the way way he he
carries carries himself himself. . He He tries tries as as much much as as
possible possible to to identify identify with with the the youth youth. . He He
always always attends attends youth youth functions functions such such as as
musical musical concerts concerts and and sporting sporting events events. .
7 7. . Court Court Cases Cases
Mike Mike Sonko Sonko has has a a number number of of court court cases cases
that that are are pending pending before before the the courts courts. . In In one one
of of his his cases cases, , he he is is accused accused of of defrauding defrauding a a
woman woman of of money money after after selling selling her her piece piece of of
land land. . He He was was recently recently accused accused of of slapping slapping a a
police police officer officer at at the the Jomo Jomo Kenyatta Kenyatta
International International Airport Airport. . However However, , the the cop cop has has
since since withdrawn withdrawn the the court court case case and and the the
case case failed failed to to proceed proceed at at the the Kibera Kibera Law Law
Courts Courts. .
8 8. . Generosity Generosity
Mike Mike Sonko Sonko is is very very generous generous and and he he can can
always always be be seen seen donating donating money money for for various various
youth youth initiatives initiatives. . He He caused caused a a stir stir at at the the
JKIA JKIA when when he he went went to to welcome welcome our our national national
team team, , the the Harambee Harambee Stars Stars, , from from a a
successful successful outing outing in in Nigeria Nigeria where where they they
held held the the reigning reigning African African Champions Champions to to a a
1 1- -1 1 draw draw. . He He came came bearing bearing gifts gifts, , a a million million
shillings shillings from from himself himself and and another another million million
from from His His Excellency Excellency President President Uhuru Uhuru
Kenyatta Kenyatta, , in in cash cash I I might might add add. .
9 9. . Development Development Record Record
He He kept kept his his word word to to the the people people of of Makadara Makadara
and and he he greatly greatly improved improved their their living living
conditions conditions. . He He established established various various youth youth
initiatives initiatives to to help help the the youth youth in in his his
constituency constituency get get a a source source of of livelihood livelihood. . He He
even even campaigned campaigned for for the the abolition abolition of of
parking parking fees fees for for his his constituents constituents. . He He was was
recently recently named named the the patron patron of of The The
Association Association of of People People with with Dwarfism Dwarfism. .
10 10. . Social Social Campaigner Campaigner
Mike Mike Sonko Sonko is is passionate passionate about about things things that that
affect affect the the common common mwananchi mwananchi. . He He recently recently
intervened intervened and and resolved resolved a a dispute dispute between between
mechanics mechanics who who were were operating operating at at Grogan Grogan
and and managed managed to to acquire acquire a a piece piece of of land land that that
was was in in dispute dispute. . He He is is also also following following up up on on
the the compensation compensation claim claim for for the the people people who who
suffered suffered after after the the Sinai Sinai tragedy tragedy. .
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Things You Dont Know about Mike Mbuvi Sonko
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